Monday 23 May 2011

Irrelevant Starcraft Post

Forget war, religion and politics, I am going to be selfish and make an off topic post.

This morning I woke up at 1am with a pirate's hangover (Let's just say I was drinking on "stranger tides" on Sunday). After doing my usual routine My nephew joined me for a few 4v4 randoms. If you have read any of my previous posts you will know that my now-nine-year-old nephew is terrible at starcraft. But this morning, he was not playing like a 9 year old at all. He actually had good macro, for the first ten minutes of the game he always had less than 400 minerals. I was so proud, but what truly made me smile was this:

 The green marines are mine and the cute little pink marines are Liam's and we are just about to break through the wall off of an unfortunate teching terran. As you can tell by the time, our marine builds were not ideal, I'm sure if a master was trying to get as many marines out by 6 minutes they would have done a better job, but as the mineral count shows, our macro wasn't too bad.

Here is us killing the zerg. Now this zerg was particularly troublesome because he single-handedly speedlinged and caused the ragequit of our random protoss ally (our allies were pretty useless btw, we carried them like babies).

Here is us storming the front of one of the two protoss opponents.

And now here is us attempting to take out our last remaining foe. It did not work though, for his carriers simply retreated out of range of the marines but kept them within his own carriers' killing range.

This did not bother us in the slightest, for when he attacked our bases, his base was undefended, allowing me to finish him off with a few remaining marines.

I was so proud of my nephew this morning. He is now no longer a one trick 6 pooling pony but a marine massing master.


  1. hahaha, thats awesome. now you have someone good to play with on SC2

  2. the only marine master is marine prime king aka foxer :)

  3. Wow, glad to see your nephew is improving. I wouldn't put it past him if he could beat me! RTS games aren't my forte at all.

  4. My brother loves SC2, not my style, though it is a lot of fun

  5. The only time I played Starcraft was when I was trying my best to impress a cute guy.

    It totally worked.

  6. Awesome! So 9 is when i can start expecting my boys to play good games...

  7. Always fun when your flesh and blood likes and is good at the same games you are into. I know I feel that way about my brother.

  8. Even though It may be irrelevant to you, i like it very much =D

  9. Awesome, great to hear your family likes SC as well

  10. I've tried this game and it was great time, I suggest everyone to do so

  11. Was thinking about starting to play this game again, but then again, I got "addicted" to WoW and just recently quit.

    Its like they say, quit drinking to start doing drugs! ;)
